Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Christmas Card Miracle

Living in the country in the rolling hills of New Jersey was always a dream of my life. I look out my window as I type this post and see Baldpate Mountain, adorned with its fall colors (albeit, now fading) and and take a deep breath of thanksgiving to the source which enabled me to be here.

Two years ago, I received a Christmas card from a friend with a picture of a country house with a front porch. It was black and white except for a bright red cardinal in a bush in front. I thought to myself that I would like to live in a home just like that. However I didn't see how that would be possible without winning the lottery or having some surprise inheritance come my way (trust me, that would definitely be a surprise).

I put that picture on the wall in my office, and every once in awhile, for 2 years I would look up at it, and imagining living there.

Two months before retirement, my wife and I had no idea where we were going to live. One of our kids suggested we look on Craig's List, which we did. The first place that popped up was a country home in Lambertville area. As it turned out, it was the first time our landlord had ever posted on Craig's List. We went to look at it, fell in love with it, and decided that that was where we were going to live. By the way, it has a wonderful front porch. By the way, on moving day, I was carrying something in when my father-in-law (who knew nothing about the Christmas card) said to me as I was passing by, "Look, Jack, there's a cardinal."

All I'm saying is that you just don't know what is possible, so why shouldn't we go for it?

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