Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Me again...

It's been awhile since I paid any attention to my blog due to a lot of circumstances. I got very preoccupied with other things during the holidays and kind of left this behind. But I now have a renewed interest in doing some writing, and sharing my thoughts with anyone who may care to read them. Nothing profound, I assure you. But I've been working on my spiritual life in some new ways which I have found extremely helpful. I have been particularly interested in an ancient Hawaiian practice called ho'oponopono. It's a kind of clearing exercise that helps get rid of some of the things that have been programmed into our unconscious mind. In a way, it's a mantra, but it's also a prayer. The experience it provides is to deepen your sense of the Divine.

Those of you who are very linear may think of it as hokey. I understand that. It does sound a little bit like a new age concept. But I have found it to be a very meaningful and reassuring practice. I guess it's a matter of to-each-his-own. I would suggest that anyone who is looking for a different and prayerful practice to give it a try. You can read more about it online, particularly regarding a very powerful story of Dr. Hew Len. Using this practice, he has been attributed for the healing of some criminally insane inmates who were institutionalized in a hospital in Hawaii. This he achieved without once seeing the patients themselves. Apparently it's very well documented. There's a lot more behind the concept of ho' oponopono, but for now the practice is simply this:

Repeat the phrases I love you, I'm sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you. And say them over and over either aloud or in your head. You are saying it to God or to your inner self. Also I highly recommend you go to YouTube and listen to a few of what's there under the same name: ho' oponopono.

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