Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Keeping Your Eyes Open

I frequently look for signs--not Burma Shave signs--SIGNS. I personally believe that divine windows that help us peer into the otherwise unseen spiritual world are around us, perhaps everyday. I realize, of course, that that is potentially a risky thing because we might assign meaning to something that just happens to be coincidental. But, then again, unless it involves something like jumping off a bridge, it may be worth taking that risk.

Last Sunday morning, Chris and I were sitting at the dining room table. She was going through the mail and I was working on thoughts for my sermon (as seen above).

Suddenly Chris said to me, "Hey! Look at that!" And she pointed to one of the candles on the table. Then I saw it too! One of the candles that had been lit for my birthday dinner the previous week had an undeniable image formed in the wax drippings at the top. Take a look for yourself at the picture over to the right.

If you were to ask me what I think it means, I couldn't specifically answer that. It could mean a lot of things. But in general I feel like it's some kind of blessing or affirmation. Signs don't always have to be specific, per se, and frequently aren't. They are just indications that God, angels, spiritual guides, etc. are very much with you and supporting you. They are meant to comfort and encourage.

So keep your eyes and heart open. You might be very surprised what you see on an otherwise quite ordinary day.

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