Thursday, December 22, 2022


It was a very moving Lessons and Carols service last Sunday at the church we are attending, The Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville. I personally needed that for my spiritual well-being on this my 79th Christmas. 

It wasn’t that I was in a funk or even anything close to that, but like so many people, I have been so preoccupied with the national and global news that I was wasting all my energy and emotions on things that I can’t do anything about except pray, which is, of course, sufficient in its own right. 

The service included music that was enhanced by a combined choir and instrumentalists including brass, percussion, and piccolo. The Scriptures were beautifully read by various people including some young people. All was of such an inspiring quality that I felt myself being deeply touched by everything that was happening.

When it was over, there were multiple emotions stirring in my heart and mind, but by far what I was experiencing was renewed HOPE and a new vision of promise.

What I’m about to say may not have the same effect on you, but I share it with you for your consideration. It is simply this:

    With all that’s going on in the world and in each of our personal lives, there is something that is invisible to us meager human beings, so caught up as we are with all that is happening around us, that is grander and more magnificent than we can even begin to imagine; and it has the power to comfort, to heal, and bring hope. It is beyond all time and circumstances that we find painfully overwhelming. It is all under the care of a Loving Spirit we call God.   

Merry Christmas and Peace on Earth and in Your Hearts!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much, Jack... and merry Christmas to you and Auntie!
