Sunday, December 25, 2022


I had a band when I was a teenager.It consisted of me on lead guitar and vocals, a backup guitar, a drummer, and a upright bass player. We played rock and roll, of course, and had gigs at high school dances, a gig in a hotel on the Atlantic City boardwalk before casinos were there, and various social events.

The one that I’m thinking of today, though, took place the week before Christmas, and it remains a special memory that changed the way I looked at my life and my view of life in general. The scene remains as vivid to me now as it ever has and I think about it almost every Christmas.

My father worked in a factory in Philadelphia and one of his co-workers asked him if he thought my band would be willing to play at a Christmas party for kids in an orphanage in Philadelphia. When we arrived, I was speechless because it was a classic old building that you might see in an old black and white movie from the 30’s or 40’s. 

The sight of it made me nervous and uncomfortable because I had only heard about orphanages—had never seen one or, to some degree, thought they were mostly the stuff of fiction.

When we went inside, we were led into an auditorium decorated for the holidays with a giant Christmas tree in the center. It was very festive and the children of various ages seemed very excited that something special was going on their otherwise somewhat drab life (I was assuming that it was a drab existence, but I don’t know that for sure.)

So we set up in a corner of the auditorium, and when the children saw us do that, some of them treated us as if we “rock stars” since they had never had the experience of live music—especially of the rock and roll type. At first I was feeling like we were stars of some sort, but that soon faded as the afternoon wore on with other kinds of entertainment and festivities, not the least of which was the visit from Santa Claus.

Seeing the expression on the faces of all the children and realizing that, unlike me, they had no family with whom to share this otherwise  joyful holiday, I was deeply moved by what I saw that day. I almost couldn’t conceive of such a life since I was from a happy home, lived in a nice house in a nice town, with two parents who loved and cared for me, and I even had my own room.

Yet they were all smiles and joyful, and seemed to appreciate one another in spite of their circumstances. Older children helped younger ones without being asked to do so. They just did it.

So we played our gig and they were so appreciative of our music and applauded and cheered us as if they were at a rock concert.  I realized that they were the ones making us feel special in spite of all the flaws in our music. I did a few Rick Nelson songs and one of the kids came up to me whose face remains ever in my mind, and said, “You sound just like him.”  

I knew that wasn’t true, but what I did know was that these kids were the ones who were special. I was just a lucky kid from Medford, New Jersey, who went there that day feeling uncomfortable and uncertain, but who was touched deeply by children who knew the meaning of love and being loved.

Thursday, December 22, 2022


It was a very moving Lessons and Carols service last Sunday at the church we are attending, The Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville. I personally needed that for my spiritual well-being on this my 79th Christmas. 

It wasn’t that I was in a funk or even anything close to that, but like so many people, I have been so preoccupied with the national and global news that I was wasting all my energy and emotions on things that I can’t do anything about except pray, which is, of course, sufficient in its own right. 

The service included music that was enhanced by a combined choir and instrumentalists including brass, percussion, and piccolo. The Scriptures were beautifully read by various people including some young people. All was of such an inspiring quality that I felt myself being deeply touched by everything that was happening.

When it was over, there were multiple emotions stirring in my heart and mind, but by far what I was experiencing was renewed HOPE and a new vision of promise.

What I’m about to say may not have the same effect on you, but I share it with you for your consideration. It is simply this:

    With all that’s going on in the world and in each of our personal lives, there is something that is invisible to us meager human beings, so caught up as we are with all that is happening around us, that is grander and more magnificent than we can even begin to imagine; and it has the power to comfort, to heal, and bring hope. It is beyond all time and circumstances that we find painfully overwhelming. It is all under the care of a Loving Spirit we call God.   

Merry Christmas and Peace on Earth and in Your Hearts!


Wednesday, December 21, 2022


Did I ever tell you about me helping George Washington and his troops cross the Delaware? It was a cold December 25th winter day. I was in uniform, standing in formation waiting for orders to move down to the river. I wasn’t there to actually row one of the boats—just to see them off and wish them a good crossing, military style. Obviously the event was a re-enactment of that famous and cleverly planned maneuver that took place on Christmas Day 1776. In fact it was a major turning point in the war.

In my case it was 1966, 190 years later. I was in the army, having been drafted during the Vietnam War. I didn’t go over but was stationed at Fort Dix. One of my army buddies was from Texas and wanted to go home for Christmas to be with his fiancĂ© for the holidays, but he was assigned the duty that I just mentioned. When he told me about it, I told him that I would be glad to take his place if the officer in charge would approve of it—which he did. But I felt like I had given my friend a Christmas present. He was delighted and had a great time visiting and celebrating the holidays back home. 

So on Christmas Day, there I was standing by the Delaware at the very spot where Washington and his troops made their way across the icy river to head to Trenton and surprise the Hessians the next day at their winter headquarters. Then afterward I had Christmas dinner at the mess hall. I don’t remember what we had, but I’m sure it was far better than Washington and his men had to eat that day.

They still do the re-enactment every year on Christmas Day, and just recently the boats appeared along the shoreline to be available for a rehearsal (which I am guessing wasn’t the case for the first crossing). Maybe George said something like, “We’ve got one crack at this, gentlemen, so let’s get to it and do it right the first time.”  But probably not. Maybe someone in the ranks said, “I have a headache and got chills, so I’d like to stay right here by the fire, but I’ll be thinking of you.” But probably not. 

The point is that they did it just the way their commander ordered them to. I’m sure they weren’t excited about it nor did they necessarily  feel patriotic. They were no doubt cold, hungry, and tired. But if they hadn’t, you can’t help but wonder if we would be citizens of the United States of America.

Saturday, December 10, 2022


Years ago I was appointed by the bishop to a small church in the Pine Barrens. It was a historic old church across the road from the Smithville Inn, a grand old restaurant that once was an 18th century stagecoach stop.  The congregation was small when I went there (8 people in the pews on my first Sunday, and one of them was asleep), but we managed to get attendance up to 75 eventually due to a new development taking place in the area.

However it was a slow crawl to get there making progress. In December I decided to hold a Christmas Eve service, which is something they never had had before. The church leaders were a bit skeptical, but I convinced them that we should give it a try. They agreed to that and even got excited and got busy decorating the sanctuary. A group of men managed to get a huge Christmas tree from one of the local Christmas tree farms—probably 15-20 feet high. 

On the morning of Christmas Eve, I went to the grocery store and bought some paper bags and small candles to put some luminaries along the walkway up to the church front door. No one had ever seen them before, and as various people drove by the church, they would roll down their car windows and ask, “What are you doing?!” My answer was, “You’ll see tonight. Make sure you come to the service at 7:30.” 

When the people started to arrive, a few of the church members helped me light the  luminaries once they saw what I was doing. It looked beautiful outside that old church, if I do say so myself. The atmosphere inside was almost in grand Victorian style with the wains coating walls and ceiling, lovely new chandeliers which we had purchased several months before and the candlelight along the aisles. 

The  congregation was thrilled to see their old church packed with people like never before, people singing Christmas carols at the top of their lungs. I remember preaching a sermon I titled “When a Child Is Born,” inspired by a song of the same name. I actually sang that song with my guitar in the service and invited the congregation to sing along with me. All of this by candlelight!

We didn’t have a Christmas Day service, but we didn’t need to because people were filled with the season’s spirit enough to have a truly joyous day of family time and feasting around their table. I know that because the next Sunday, people were still talking about the Christmas Eve service and the feelings they had when they saw how lovely and full their church was. As for me, I felt that a child had been anew in all of our hearts that night.

As a result of that service, we added some new worshippers, including the manager of the Harlem Globetrotters, for whom I later did a wedding. And some of our new people, formed a small choir that sang almost every Sunday. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

My Once A Year Hometown

I got a set of Lionel Trains for Christmas one year. Along with that my parents also each year gave me some buildings to make a village. The company that made them was called Plasticville, which I think is still in business—at least I’ve seen some of those buildings on eBay and have been tempted to get some, purely out of nostalgia because I don’t have my electric trains anymore.

A few weeks before Christmas my dad would work on setting up a train platform, around which my trains would travel through the little village, Being an electrician, he took great delight in wiring the platform with lights over which the buildings would be placed. In the center of the platform would be our Christmas tree which we would have gotten in the Pine Barrens—a delightful smell of the long-needle white pine to come down to all through the Christmas season.

One year they added to my train collection by getting me a milk car which contained little milk containers that you could put on a platform merely by pushing a button. What fun!

My first Plasticville building was the train station; then after that came some houses, a police station, a fire house, a gas station, a frozen custard stand, a diner, a hospital, a bank, a grocery store.  It really was a wonder, especially at night with the lights around the village, and my imagination going to work, bringing it to life in my brain and heart. 

One year my dad brought home a timer from work and set the train to run automatically, stopping and starting all by itself. I give that mixed reviews based the fact that it was out of my control. But then i realized that the trains were as much his as they were mine. And that’s as it should have been! Why shouldn’t he have the joy of such a childhood treasure—especially since he used to tell me that the only thing he got for Christmas as a child when he was growing up was an orange. 

Alas I don’t have Lionel Trains anymore! I have often thought of getting some and maybe someday I will. But when our grandson comes over, he loves to play with the little wooden train set we have. His father, Pete, usually makes the track layout and I get to play along with Rowan.

Sunday, December 4, 2022


As in just about every Christian church in the US, my home church had an annual  children’s Christmas pageant. Helen Johnson was in charge—very in charge. She was a fourth grade teacher in my elementary school, and she was also in charge there, so to speak, but that’s another story. Being a soft spoken, timid child, I was intimidated to be in her presence. I’m not sure why. She wasn’t a mean person at all—just strict, and she was a member of my church, Medford Methodist Church.

My parents did not go to church in those days, but they made sure I went to Sunday School. The truth is, though, my sister is the one who took on the responsibility getting me there.  She taught Sunday School and so I would go along with her, though I wasn’t in her class.

Meanwhile, back to the pageant and Helen Johnson. For me, it was always a mixed event. It was exciting because something was happening that was related to Christmas, which was the biggest and most joyful day in the whole year as far as I was concerned. It was magical in the truest sense of a child’s imagination to conceive of. And it wasn’t just about Santa and gifts, though I have to admit that those was certainly important to me. But there was something about the atmosphere of the world and my home and our town’s various festivities that was not like any other time.

So the annual Christmas Pageant was part of the spirit. It was held in the sanctuary with its dark oak pews and woodwork, including the mysterious enclosure for the organ pipes. It would be tastefully decorated for the season—holly, pine branches, red ribbons; and Helen would sit in about the fourth row from the front, from which she would direct the drama and manage the lighting, such as it was. 

Of course we had a couple of rehearsals, but with little children, rehearsals were mainly to familiarize the whole operation for the adults who would be giving us our cues, so to speak. 

Every year that I participated (maybe three years), in spite of my shyness, I would silently hope to be a Wiseman with their royal purple garments and crowns or Joseph the father of Jesus. But, alas, I was always a shepherd. Typecasting, I suppose, since I was more of a blue collar kid (the days before “blue collar” was not necessarily related to political views. In fact, my father, an electrician, was an avid Democrat). 

Truthfully, I don’t know that that had anything whatsoever to do with me being assigned the role of a shepherd. In these days of my life, I have since realized that that was the appropriate role for me. I was not the Magi type nor in any sense did I possess the dignity of Joseph. Also in these days of my life, what’s the matter with being a shepherd?  Answer: nothing. And anyway, I ended up being a shepherd for my career, so they say.  Turns out it was type-casting after all.