Tuesday, February 4, 2014


"These are the times that try men's souls" (and women's too). That's what Thomas Paine wrote in his essay The American Crisis. Of course he was referring to the period of the American Revolution, but those words came to me as I put my head down on the pillow last night before drifting off to sleep. 

I was thinking about the long, hard stretch of winter and the way that it has effected so many people in so many ways. Inconvenience not withstanding, it has had a deeper impact on the inner world of our spirits. I know for me, I can't wait to be able to get back to some serious walking and hiking in some balmier temperatures. I long for days having my morning coffee in the adirondack chairs in the yard. I am dreaming about being at the beach at Island Beach State Park. I am looking forward to once again dropping my line in the water and still not catching any trout, but at least pretending to be some kind of sportsman (although I could never be a true sportsman like those who just catch fish and throw them back--which simply seems to be for no other purpose than inconveniencing some poor fish that was on its way to someplace else).

Truth is that the weather will do whatever it darn well pleases, and it doesn't care who we are or how important we think we are. There are no exceptions to the rule no matter how rich or poor we are; no matter how much we feel like "it's just not fair."  Forget about it! 

So the choices are simple i guess: (1)Get all bent out of shape and miserable like a spoiled child whose parent won't let you have your own way or (2)Calmly accept the reality that the weather is what it is regardless of your opinion about it.

I know, I know--easier said than done. But on the other hand, which would we prefer: pain or pleasure? misery or inner peace? I don't know the answer for you who may be reading this, but as for me, I'm going to try to make today a day of calm and peaceful acceptance, and even try to make it a day of renewal and restoration. Peace and joy be with you, my friends.


  1. I love when winter snow forces us to slow down.

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