Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Some Days Are Diamonds...

When I woke up this morning I had the distinct feeling that it was once again time to write. Actually, I've been especially busy over the last couple of weeks--most of it good, some of it "had-to-do" stuff. But what's fascinating to me is how life from time to time gives us inner signals that "now is the right moment."

When I say that, I don't necessarily mean that "now is the right moment" in some grand, earth-shaking way--just now is the especially opportune time to accomplish something that you've had on your list to do; or now is the moment to sit, relax, and listen to that music or watch that movie or enjoy that sunrise; or now is the moment to write that blog posting or that letter you've been putting off or that phone call you've been thinking about making.

I truly believe that there is a series of those kind of experiences that occur in our lives, but we're not always sensitive to them. We have other things to do-at least that's what we tell ourselves. And it is true that there is a lot of obligations and responsibilities that constantly knock on our door. We can't abandon the things that Stephen Covey says are the urgent and important matters of life. However, what does it mean to truly live life with a sense of joy and freedom and with an ongoing renewal of the spirit? That's a question that's worth considering I think.

I know you all know the, I suppose, overused expression that no one ever reaches old age or even the point of death and says to him or herself, "I wish I'd spent more time at the office." Trite as it may be, there's at least a seed of truth in it. And that sudden feeling that I'm referring to, where life is nudging us to do something or be something or shift gears in some way may be just the right moment to become fully alive in some new wonderful way.

Most of us have been taught to be responsible people. That's a good thing. I do think, however, that sometimes we've been over programmed with that to the degree that we feel guilty if we're not tending to "important" business every single moment of the day. (By the way, I have to confess that "responsibility programming" didn't fully take hold with me.) 

I think that there are regular, everyday moments and then there are the "just the right moments." The first are the normal tasks to do and things to think about,etc. Those are largely ego-based. The second are moments of inspiration. Those are spiritually based. Sometimes the two merge and the experience is exhilarating! 

I guess my overall point in all this rambling is that from time to time we need to abandon even the most urgent and important and indulge ourselves in those things that will remind us that life is not only worth living, but we are worth living it.

Some Days Are Diamonds

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