Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Where I've Been, In Case You Were Wondering

     For those of you who may have thought I dropped off of the face of the earth, not true. I've been very busy this summer "recreating my life."  Ah, now, what does that mean? Well, for me it means that in this retirement status of mine (actually semi-retirement), I have reached a place in which I feel that it's time to change it up. I've been doing a lot of thinking with regards to how to do that and am gradually making it happen.
     Chris and I haven't done much in the way of taking a vacation this summer--though we did go to Maine for a few days in June. We also have gone to the beach a few times and will do so some more. We go to Island Beach State Park. It's a bit of a drive but it's worth it, in part because we and whoever is in the car with us get in free with my senior adult pass. But also we love the beach there itself--well kept and good facilities.
     As for me in recreating my life, several things have happened that were the impetus for it. I won't go into the intimate details thereof, but suffice it to say that they led to deep personal reflection. One of those areas had to do with my health and well-being. I've radically changed the way I eat. I grew up in a meat and potatoes household and continued to eat that way through most of my life. Fried foods,a regular diet of red meat, lots of dairy (most especially ice cream and butter) plus a whole host of other culinary delights have been an integral part of my menu. But I found some new culinary delights though not entirely giving up the others.
     In addition, I've also given up wine and any other form of alcoholic drink--not because of some moral judgment against it, because I still think it's fine for those who choose it. It's just that one day Chris and I were discussing medications I took for Atrial Fibrillation, and all of a sudden I blurted out that my reasons for taking them were simply "I want to live."
     I can't explain it, but maybe some of you will understand that saying that triggered something in me.  People can advise you a million times with their thoughts of what they think you should do. That's really not a very effective method for change. But when you suddenly come to a place of personal awakening, it's a very powerful moment. 
     Because I changed the way I was eating, I have reversed my heart disease and no longer take medications, I've lost weight, and I have an increased amount of energy. One of the big things that helped was that I joined the Wellness Club at Whole Foods where Chris works. They have all kinds of classes to attend that are both fun and informative. In addition to mostly following their plan, I added a daily walk of two to three miles on the towpath by the canal.
     Other things have changed for me and about me as well, all for the better I hope. Anyway, I'm back at the blogging ranch again and I promise that other posts will not be so long and not as self-involved.  This was just intended to connect with any of you who may have wondered whatever happened to me.
     Thanks for listening!  Peace!

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